Red White & Blue Hens

College students in Delaware who think right is right, and left is wrong. We study hard, party hard, and play hardball.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Bush Press Conference on Social Security

My thoughts

He talked about non-Social Security stuff too. Good stuff.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Check it Out

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Beyond the Headlines: Clinton Stumps for Blair; Smacks Bush

You may have heard that former President Clinton spoke at a Labour Party meeting, even though the White House has said that the election if for the British people to decide. Well not only did Clinton urge Brits to vote Blair, but he did it by slapping the current President in the face.
Appearing on a giant screen at a Labour Party meeting in London, the former Democrat leader warned that when a country has "a progressive government in power, our people get a little easily disillusioned."

"They don't like this policy or that policy. They sometimes fall into the trap of thinking it doesn't matter and there are no consequences."

"But if you believe that look at the difference in the US between now and four years ago."

Having read Ari Fleischer's book, I know that the Bush White House has an official policy of not blaming (Bill) Clinton for anything. Why the stab in the back? This isn't the first time he's done it either. Is it becuase he had to sleep on the floor? Or is he setting up his robot master wife for 2008?

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Socialism Kills!

Besides Ché and the Gulag too! It may be causing the high population ages in Europe (very few people in Europe are having more than one child, and some are having 0). The economies of the European welfare states, like Sweeden, are no where near as good as the US.
Glenn Reynolds:
"It's almost as if high taxes, heavy regulation, and an extensive dole sap people's desire to work hard, making the society as a whole worse off so that those policies don't just redistribute wealth, but actually destroy it. That's probably because they do, and have done so everywhere they're tried. People are usually pointing to some socialist paradise or other where life is wonderful, but -- not to put too fine a point on it -- those places are basically a lie. Socialism just doesn't work, anywhere, for very long. You'd think people would learn."

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Let's Export Us Some Democracy

Terror & Obstruction

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Campus Purse Used For Political Action

Corporations may donate money, but leftists still spend the money on most college campuses:

More recently, students approached the WRC about co-sponsoring a speech by Christina Hoff Summers, the renegade feminist author of Who Stole Feminism? The students were told that the WRC simply didn't have the resources. (Of course, the resources always seem to be there when the speakers adhere to the political beliefs of the people who run the WRC.) When the students responded that the WRC didn't even have to put any money into the speech--just lend its name as a co-sponsor--the answer was, "not interested." Christina Hoff Summers, you see, isn't the right kind of feminist for the WRC, because she isn't a left-wing ideologue. Tellingly, though, the WRC saw fit to sponsor a screening of Outfoxed, an anti-Fox News film promoted and partially financed by, the leftist political action committee that last year spent over $20 million campaigning for Democratic candidates. Exactly how a political film about a news network relates to the mission of the Women's Resource Center has yet to be explained to the parents, students and alumni who ultimately paid for it.

Full Article

Monday, April 11, 2005

A Joke in Kind

How Many Liberals Does It Take to Scew in a Lightbulb?

Let's find out:

1 to formulate an the idea for a government agency to regulate lightbulb change
3 to create agency
500 dedicated lightbulb changing regulators
500 to work at agency creating paperwork
15 to decide if lightbulbs fall under fair trade
1500 to pool together to buy lightbulbs for third world countries to sell at a lower rate, thus disrupting said third world country's economy (of which most people don'r have electricity
12 Feminists to decide if it degrading to change a lightbulb becuase it is housework or it falls under equal rights for women
10 to determine that major lightbulb companies are involved heavily in the WTO and must be protested
50 to organize protest
1500 to show up to protest
5 to decide solar power is much more energie effecient
20 to install solar power
3 to realize that still doesn't solve the question of the lightbulb

4199 and approx. 2.8 million in taxpayer dollars

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

How many more must die before Kofi quits?

What kind of leadership would tolerate this conduct 10 years ago? The answer is: precisely the same leadership that, 10 years later, permitted the oil-for-food scandal and the sex-for-food scandal. Why did it take everyone 10 years to figure this out?

The second searing irony for me is that the American neoconservative right has occupied the moral high ground in critique of Annan, outflanking the left, which sits on indefensible territory in his support. But if prevention of genocide and protection of the vulnerable are not core priorities on the left, then what is? If anyone's values have been betrayed, it is those of us on the left who believe most deeply in the organisation's ideals. I am mystified by the reluctance of the left both in the US and the UK (the Guardian 's coverage, for example) to criticise Annan's leadership. The bodies burn today in Darfur - and the women are raped - amid the sound of silence from Annan. How many genocides, the prevention of which is the UN's very raison d'être, will we endure before the left is moved to criticise Annan? Shouldn't we be hearing the left screaming bloody murder about the UN's failure to protect vulnerable Africans? Has it lost its compass so badly that it purports to excuse the rape of Congolese women by UN peacekeepers under Annan's watch? Is stealing money intended for widows and orphans in Iraq merely a forgivable bureaucratic snafu?

Full Story